Czech proficiency test online: Základní uživatel (A2)

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Are you interested in testing your proficiency in the Czech language? Look no further! In this article, we will explore the A2 level Czech proficiency test and how you can take it online. Whether you are a foreigner living in the Czech Republic or someone who wants to enhance their language skills, this article is worth reading. Let's dive in!

What is the A2 level Czech proficiency test?

The A2 level Czech proficiency test is an examination that measures your language skills in the Czech language. It is designed for individuals who have a basic understanding of Czech and want to verify their competence at the A2 level. This level corresponds to the A2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).

Why should you take the A2 level Czech proficiency test?

Taking the A2 level Czech proficiency test can be beneficial in several ways. Firstly, it allows you to measure your progress in learning the Czech language. By successfully passing the exam, you can verify your language skills and receive a certificate that confirms your A2 level proficiency. This certificate can be useful when applying for employment, as some employers require proof of language proficiency. Additionally, the certificate can be applicable when applying for permanent residence or citizenship in the Czech Republic.

How can you prepare for the A2 level Czech proficiency test?

To prepare for the A2 level Czech proficiency test, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the exam format and practice sample tests. There are various preparation materials available online, including sample tests and vocabulary resources. You can also consider taking individual lessons or enrolling in language courses to improve your skills. Practice listening, speaking, reading, and writing in Czech to strengthen your language abilities.

Where can you take the A2 level Czech proficiency test online?

The A2 level Czech proficiency test can be taken online through accredited language examination centers. These centers offer the exam in accordance with the guidelines set by the Institute for Language and Preparatory Studies at Charles University. They provide an adaptive online platform where you can take the exam at a specified date and time.

What does the A2 level Czech proficiency test consist of?

The A2 level Czech proficiency test consists of both a written and an oral part. The written part assesses your listening and reading comprehension, as well as your writing skills. It includes tasks such as multiple-choice questions, gap-filling exercises, and short writing assignments. The oral part evaluates your speaking skills and requires you to engage in conversations and answer questions related to everyday life topics.

How is the A2 level Czech proficiency test evaluated?

The A2 level Czech proficiency test is evaluated by qualified pedagogical staff. The written part is assessed based on the correctness and coherence of your answers, while the oral part focuses on your ability to communicate effectively. The evaluation criteria are specified in the examination decree, which ensures fairness and consistency in the assessment process.

What are the benefits of obtaining an A2 level Czech language certificate?

Obtaining an A2 level Czech language certificate can open doors to various opportunities. It can improve your career prospects, particularly if you are seeking employment in the Czech Republic. Many employers value language skills, and having a certificate to verify your proficiency can give you an edge. Additionally, the certificate is recognized by universities and colleges, allowing you to pursue further studies in the Czech language.

Can the A2 level Czech language certificate exam be taken for free?

No, the A2 level Czech language certificate exam is not available for free. There is a fee associated with taking the exam, which varies depending on the examination center. The cost typically ranges from CZK 1,000 to CZK 2,000. However, the investment is worthwhile as it provides you with an official certification of your language skills.

How does the A2 level Czech proficiency examination relate to permanent residence?

The A2 level Czech proficiency test is a requirement for individuals applying for a permanent residence permit in the Czech Republic. It serves as evidence of your language skills and is one of the criteria for obtaining a permanent residence permit. By successfully passing the exam, you can fulfill this requirement and move closer to obtaining permanent residence in the country.


  • The A2 level Czech proficiency test measures your language skills in the Czech language.
  • Taking the A2 level Czech proficiency test can verify your competence and provide a certificate.
  • Preparation for the exam includes practicing sample tests and improving language skills.
  • The exam can be taken online through accredited examination centers.
  • The A2 level Czech proficiency test consists of a written and an oral part.
  • The exam is evaluated by qualified pedagogical staff based on specific criteria.
  • Obtaining an A2 level Czech language certificate can enhance your career prospects.
  • The exam is not free, and there is a fee associated with taking it.
  • The A2 level Czech proficiency test is a requirement for permanent residence in the Czech Republic.
  • Frequently asked questions provide additional information about the exam.

With this information in hand, you are now well-equipped to take the A2 level Czech proficiency test and showcase your language skills. Good luck on your language journey!